1. Features
2. Installation guide
3. Guide to use diplomacy in your own mods
4. Credits
1. Features
As vassal
Persuasion attempts to convince your king to start a war
Appoint a chamberlain, who will decrease tax inefficiency by 10% and give you the ability to set tax rates. This gives you a possiblity to influence center relation and prosperity. In addition he will take care of paying wages and collecting income as well as giving you the ability to secure your money
Let your companions pick items from the chamberlain item pool (autoloot)
Appoint a constable who recruits and trains troops and provides information about garrisons and troops of lords.
Send patrols to important locations
Appoint a chancellor who sends gifts to lords, settlements or ladies and messengers to lords
Village and town riots may occure if the people hate you and have to pay high tax rates. Counter them or negotiate with the leader.
Let your spouse buy some food (I know, it has nothing to do with diplomacy but it's fun )
Pay staff salary (you knew that a woman will cost money before you married her )
Troops will start running away if you go into debts
Return fiefs to your king, he won't like this, though
Move your residence (via spouse)
Negotiate Mid-siege surrender/walk-out terms if defending your own keeps and towns
Affiliate to families
Send scouts to settlements
Pay to avoid defeat
As king
Threaten other kingdoms with war and try to squeeze money out of them
If a faction sues for peace you will have the option to set terms
Possiblity to send a gift to another faction (fief or money)
Send a spy to another kingdom
Form an alliance, conclude a defensive pact, sign a trade agreement or conclude a non-aggression treaty with another faction.
Change the domnestic policy of your kingdom. Choose between Centralization/Decentralization, Aristocracy/Plutocracy, Serfdom/Free subjects, Quality/Quantity which affects trade income, vassals armies size, AI army strength, relation between king and vassals as well as tax inefficiency
When asking for a truce you will get the option to pay and/or give fiefs to conclude a truce.
If another faction recognizes you as king you will have the option to ask for help against your enemy and in certain circumstances support the decision by paying money.
Choose your faction culture so all your lords will recruit the same type of troops
Exchange or relase your (own) prisoners
Distribute spoils of war after you conquered a town or castle
Send emissaries to persuade lords to join your kingdom
Mod works with native save games.
Battle continuation and free death cam
Amount of recruits available in villages will depend on honour, renown, being owner, being king, domnestic policies (since 3.0)
Horses will become slower if they are wounded
new visual presentation of faction relations
2. Installation guide
If an update to a new Mount&Blade version is included delete the Diplomacy folder under 'Mount & Blade Warband/modules'
Download the installer (Diplomacy_v4.x.exe)
Run the installer
After starting Mount&BladeWarband select the module "Diplomacy" and enjoy.