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19 chests in these palace:
Xi'an,Milan,castle of Sevilla,Alexandria、
London,Shuntian,Yingtian,Toulouse,Venice,Flensburg,saratov,street of Sevilla,Algiers,Istanbul,Dehran,Kumul,Jianghu,Hamburg,Poznan
please find them carefully:)
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1.New map新地图,北半球地图
2.New troops新兵种树
3.New sounds新声效
4.mix a lot of textures 许多贴图融合
5.New map icons新大地图图标
6.Bank System,If you have outstanding accounts for a long time,the bank will send killer to find you银行系统,如果长期不还款,将会被追杀
7.New banners,every faction use one uniform banner.新旗帜,统一阵营旗帜
8.Custom kingdom troops 自定义兵种/
9.Lord's reputation title 领主性格称号
10.Party orders 队伍命令
11.Faction tree兵种树
13.Terrain advantages地形优势
14.Battle minimap战场小地图,营地菜单里有开关
15. Meet elder option会见镇长
16. Companions Overseer队伍详细菜单,大地图上按O键激活
17. Name Titles爵位
18. Sea Travels 海域航行
19. Sea Battles海战
20. Hiring Troops in towns城镇招兵
21.Tons of new scenes(every faction have new scenes)新场景,几乎每个场景都是翻新的
22. You can Couch (Not only you but also your troops)下蹲,z键
23. Pikeman can use pike-formation/ bracing长枪兵,密集可用方阵/队伍命令密集,5行之类
24. Customise troops, yes you can make your own troops, edit them and give them what gear they use and change their name without having to use troop editor自建兵种树
25. Grenades, Gun-era items 手雷,子弹效果
26. Elephant 大象
27. Chinese Repeating Crossbow连弩
28. New faces/ textures/ models/ shaders/ hairs新面孔,贴图,模型,发型
29. You can cheat作弊模式
30. New Health Bar新血条
31. Ranged trooops can fire in lines or like in MM Russia线列
32. Special Pirates海盗
33. You can change the wages of troops自定义兵种装备决定工资
34. New death sounds死亡声效
35. New world新大陆
36. Explore special areas to find the loot from special chests! 19 altogether(you can get many equipment from these chests)19宝箱,遍布世界
37.horse will slowdown when it gets hurt.马匹受伤减速
38.polearm break.长枪断裂
39.morale will reduce when you in desert.沙漠中降低士气
40.you can buy off the deserters收买叛军
41.cause more harm when attack the enemi's back.背击
42.you can aid the village or town,when the Goodwill of village is 50,you can garrison troops in village.when the Goodwill of town is 20,you can use the blacksmith to upgrade your equipment.村庄驻兵,城镇铁匠铺,好感度分别是50和20后启用
43.you can shut the NPC arguing Npc争吵开关
44.you can change the spouse's equipment and face.修改配偶装备和面孔
45.player can trade with indian(use goods exchange the goods from new land)同印第安人贸易
46. New NPC新npc
47.some function from the WFS.一些火与剑的功能
48.reward troops犒劳部队
49.music pack音乐包
Other change:
1.Village troop will change according to faction.村庄兵种根据玩家阵营而改变
2.The wage of the troop which is not belong to your kingdom (or your support kingdom) is double.不属于你的王国,或你效命的王国的兵种工作加倍
3.If the prisoner has a horse, his price will be double.如果俘虏有马,价格加倍
4.Ramun will change his place between 0~22 towns.拉蒙在所有城镇中随机出没
5.When you trade with Ramun,the price for prisoner will be different according to the faction in which Ramun stay.如果和拉蒙交易,价格会随拉蒙当所在城市的阵营而不同
6.A top knight occupy one more position.高级骑士占更多位置
7.Besieged castles and towns will be surrounded with spikes, visually indicating their status.围攻城市和城堡有图标出现
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Narf of Picklestink:Narf's Rus Armour Pack http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,160392.0.html